BA Photography Lecture, University of Derby

14 April 2021

It was a privledge to share our work with Colin Wilson and his students. An inspiring morning brimming with ideas, Colin's incredible knowledge and insight into the creation and meaning of a visual language was a joy. We greatly appreciate Colin's super kind feedback: 

It was a joy and a pleasure to see your work and listen to you and Samia talk. I was speaking to Stephanie Rushton/Senior Lecturer and we both agreed that it is rare these days to find work as beautiful and powerful as your photographs. Absolutely Sublime, and the complex layering of ideas and references provides a depth as rich and velvety as the tones in the photographs.

Duane Michals said we have lost our sense of wonder; you work is full of wonder. Thank you.

I was trying to imagine what a 35mm negative looked like after it had been exposed 200 times !

A big thank you for your inspirational and informative lecture, and sublime photographs. We carried on talking about the work and ideas for quite a while afterwards and it was wonderful to see the students engaged and motivated by the work.
